Thursday, January 31, 2008

Municipal Property Sale?

In the Hampshire Gazette's most recent weekend edition (1/26-27), I came across a letter to the editor by Walter P. Niemiec in which he writes of a transfer of former municipal property to a private developer. The letter states that the property contains former water works buildings, and includes land "right next to the Manhan River dam, and a scenic pleasure". I am currently seeking more info on this transaction, and hope to follow up on this soon.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Precinct map of Easthampton MA

I couldn't find an online version of this map in the system, or anywhere else for that matter. For now, this copy is fine. If any one has a clearer version, please send it along.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

The Sidewalk Shuffle

Hey, I don't want to get all Andy Rooney on y'all, but tough on you:

If you own property that contains a public sidewalk, please get them cleared after all snow and ice storms. Some folks struggle to get around, and by not doing one's diligence, all that's accomplished is making them unnecessarily vulnerable to injury.